bypass operation - vertaling naar Engels
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bypass operation - vertaling naar Engels

CABG; Heart bypass; Coronary artery bypass graft; Triple bypass; Quadruple bypass; Heart bypass surgery; Coronary Bypass; Quadruple bypass surgery; Coronary artery bypass; CABGS; Coronary artery bypass graft surgery; Coronary bypass surgery; Triple bypass surgery; Heart bypass, right; Heart bypass, left; Cardiac bypass; Coronary Artery Bypass surgery; Coronary bypass; OPCABG; Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting; Coronary artery bypass operation; Aortocoronary bypass; Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery; Coronary bypass operation; Coronary artery bypass grafting; Bypass operation; Quadruple heart bypass surgery; Cardiac bypass surgery; Quadruple-bypass; Bypass grafting; Triple-bypass heart surgery; Triple bypass heart surgery; Heart revascularization; Double heart bypass operation
  • Illustration of a typical coronary artery bypass surgery. A vein from the leg is removed and grafted to the coronary artery to bypass a blockage at LAD.
  • With Coronary Angiography, stenotic lesions of the coronaries arteries are identified.
  • surgeon]] on the right) is the venous cannula (receives blood from the body). The patient's [[heart]] is stopped and the [[aorta]] is cross-clamped. The patient's head (not seen) is at the bottom.
  • saphenous vein]] grafts – one to the right coronary artery system and one to the obtuse marginal system.
  • p=1552}}

bypass surgery         
Arterial bypass; Bypass (surgical)
operación de desviación, de bypass
bypass operation         
(n.) = operación de bypass, bypass
Ex: Patients who are given the bypass operation "to prolong life" fall into four major groups, only one of which has ever been shown to gain the promised result of such surgery.
bypass surgery         
Arterial bypass; Bypass (surgical)
(n.) = cirugía de bypass, bypass
Ex: This study describes the influence of aerobic training on the cardiorespiratory fitness of 31 coronary artery disease patients who had undergone bypass surgery.


bypass (ingl.; pronunc. [baipás]; pl. "bypass" o "bypasses", pronunc. [baipás] o [baipáses]) m. Med. Intervención quirúrgica que tiene por objeto restablecer el flujo sanguíneo en una arteria dañada.


Coronary artery bypass surgery

Coronary artery bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, pronounced "cabbage") is a surgical procedure to treat coronary artery disease (CAD), the buildup of plaques in the arteries of the heart. It can relieve chest pain caused by CAD, slow the progression of CAD, and increase life expectancy. It aims to bypass narrowings in heart arteries by using arteries or veins harvested from other parts of the body, thus restoring adequate blood supply to the previously ischemic (deprived of blood) heart.

There are two main approaches. The first uses a cardiopulmonary bypass machine, a machine which takes over the functions of the heart and lungs during surgery by circulating blood and oxygen. With the heart in arrest, harvested arteries and veins are used to connect across problematic regions—a construction known as surgical anastomosis. In the second approach, called the off-pump coronary artery bypass graft (OPCABG), these anastomoses are constructed while the heart is still beating. The anastomosis supplying the left anterior descending branch is the most significant one and usually, the left internal mammary artery is harvested for use. Other commonly employed sources are the right internal mammary artery, the radial artery, and the great saphenous vein.

Effective ways to treat chest pain (specifically, angina, a common symptom of CAD) have been sought since the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1960s, CABG was introduced in its modern form and has since become the main treatment for significant CAD. Significant complications of the operation include bleeding, heart problems (heart attack, arrhythmias), stroke, infections (often pneumonia) and injury to the kidneys.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor bypass operation
1. In this case, at the end of the bypass operation,
2. So this is a bypass operation, just like what Al Gore had,
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor bypass operation
1. MITSOTAKIS SURGERY Former PM recuperating after sudden double bypass operation Former Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis successfully underwent a double bypass operation, doctors at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Athens said yesterday.
2. So she took the drastic step of undergoing a gastric bypass operation.
3. Depardieu had a quintuple bypass operation in July 2000 and has been advised to slow down by his doctors.
4. The party chairman, Ian McCartney, limped in from his hospital bed after a triple heart bypass operation.
5. Talat surgery Turkish–Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat underwent a successful heart bypass operation in Istanbul yesterday, his office said.